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Rejuvenation (Free verse) by Dovina

She sat before the easel, mixing oils on a palette. The scene we both were looking at was the scene I wrote on pad. Her strokes and colors by impression from somewhere in her mind. My words described the daffodil— hard, like yellow polished steel. Together we made our impressioned strokes for so delicate a plant. Both had said before we started, a flower has but one true role. But with so many other traits, let’s give it something more. We’re past the stage of bearing kids, let’s take the flower’s goal, And change the two from making seeds to making weak things strong.

zodiac 18-Sep-05/1:40 AM
That's a moot argument and not about reality. For one, plenty of purposeful people living now are not reproducing. For two, if your answer to the previous sentence is humans (and their organs) came into existence for purposes of reproduction, please ask yourself if you believe organisms have a purpose besides the one they give themselves at any moment, who or what gave them that purpose then, and why you aren't in church this Sunday morning? To wit, reproduction isn't necessary to the continuation of the species for 99.9999% of human beings or flowers. How can you claim reproduction is still a purpose?

To even more wit, it's all kind of backwards anyways: All existing species survived by reproduction, so you say that the purpose of existing species is survival by reproduction. If a species didn't reproduce or, consequently, survive, would you say that it failed at its purpose or that it excelled at a totally different purpose, like going extinct?

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