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Creation (Free verse) by Quarton

In times long past, the universe was born, fiery explosion, fabric of space/time torn. Infinite density freed by powers unknown, our future being from singularity sown. Over time, nascent universe cooled, hydrogen and helium together pooled. New stars formed at a rapid pace, creating light in the dark empty space. Supernovae exploded and eventially collapsed, creating black holes in reality's contrast. Elements then formed, ignited into being, life's ingredients, in diversity weaving. Over time, newborn planets appeared, on earth, creation's song then heard. In evolution's sure hands we entrust, essence composed of recycled stardust. We gaze outward; of fantasies dream, moon made shadows under heavenly gleam. Ancient singularity over eons of time, beckons to all; thoughts ennobled, sublime.

zodiac 18-Sep-05/1:27 AM
Your comment about other universes spread over space and time makes me think this poem could stand a metaphor of jam spread over an old man's creased buttocks. Judging from the rest of the comments on this poem, everyone agrees.

PS-I was considering only organic evolution, or the evolution of species by competition, natural selection, and so on. Apparently there's a whole other evolution, inorganic evolution, dealing with the creation of the physical universe, that I had no idea about. My unprepared response is going to be that considering human or organic evolution as part of the same process of inorganic evolution that resulted in the creation of galaxies and such from unorganized matter is kind of silly. If this ends with me having to go through the bother of a prepared response, I'm going to shoot myself.

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