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this has happened more than a few times (Free verse) by ay deee
i am out for the evening
or walking up the block
to somebody's house
for a little good times
i see the guy from
twenty paces
he pretends he doesn't see me
but i'm the only one around
he's sitting down against a wall
standing there talking to his shoes
i make eye contact
as i do with most everyone i pass
before i can spout some generic geeting
"spare a quarter brother?"
"i need to get a bus to chicago,
i got family there and i've been stuck here
for two weeks tryin to get out.
i only need two dollars man"
yeah right, two dollars and a quarter
do i look like a bank
get a fucking job
you'll need a hair cut
how about i give you a goddamn
jesus christ
i really want to say these things
i am really not stupid
and i know a quarter is not enough
for a pint, and two dollars is
or maybe he really wants a bite
or a bus to chicago
or maybe he wants to tell a story
about his kids
or how jesus is now his one true light
and all the shitty things he's done
he's tryin his best not to do anymore
but it doesn't really matter to me
i guess
why i should or shouldn't
give anything
it takes a little less pride than normal
to admit need, to look failure in the face
and call upon a stranger for help
sometimes, if i am not expected
anywhere in particular
by anyone real soon
i'll stay and listen
maybe i find a few stray coins in my pocket
but sometimes i just don't have any change