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Comment Ranker (Favorites) (Free verse) by MacFrantic

These are personal favorite comments that I have written: [Stuffy by horus8] "Maybe the feature song of a sitcom-style broadway play written by a gay Edgar Poe...but other than that, quite normal, if not abnormal. Wait! Oh. *8.1*" [He Will Be Loved by eyrbare] "If Pinnochio had tear ducts he would weep and if I wasn't so lazy I'd rant. *5*" [My two cents by hobojo] "You're down two cents for that? Oh well, I would have put at least half of it into Viacom stock. *7*" [Cassandra. by SupremeDreamer] "Worthy of a dice toss at least *12* wait...*2*...wait *8*" [With a Screwdriver (I Fork You So Much) by leonxic] "An E for effort *E*" [OPEN tha FRIGERATER by pottytrained] "If I had a kid like you, there is no doubt in my mind that I would drown you before you learned to write. *1*" [Summer crush by sk8rs_rule_all] "Hey guys, this poem totally L15 W4s W5. Right guys?! Right?! Haha! I mean, if it was any more L28 W2, I'd feel like a L12 W6. Ha! Haha! Hey sk8rs! Don't worry about that, it's just a little inside joke, you know? But seriously, this would suck as a song *5*" [Wha wha guitar by wnot Dovinaw] If this is poetry...well... then I am unbelievable in the sack...and we all know where...heh, touchè. *7*" [Broken for Completion by Chasz Misleading] "not too shabby, ok...maybe a bit shabby...but that's good. *8.5*" [Outcome by Miggy] I'll be honest...I didn't read it *6* Now I'll be dishonest...Keanu Reeves is a prolific pioneer of well acted films, and he should refrain from having his vocal cords and face burned/ lacerated by chemicals, preferably in pill form, blue or red. (I love irony)" [Floss by jaboc] "How old are you? Are you expecting positive feedback with this load? Just use the word "fuck", nobody holds it against you. What we do hold against you is your poor spelling, rudimentary grammar, and total lack of poetic understanding. "Tragedic"? COME ON! *2*" [Memories by RION12] "What memories? Peeing in the kiddie pool while everyone was watching? Or was it the episode of 7th heaven that changed your life? Grow up and learn to use grammar correctly. *4*" [Diversity by Stephen Robins] "When you get to Hell, say hello to Satan for me, will you? -1- (for effort)" [The devils win by firestar_2580] "Spell Check - no Grammar Check - no Content Check - no Why do you even bother, this must have been written in a matter of forty- five seconds. My shitty comment took longer than that. -2-" [A Proclamation to Our Lord by Joe-joe] "And I saideth unto Him "Hurry upeth! You're using all the hot water!" Bathroom 2:14:99" [a comment on Talia Eternal by Enkidu*] "If my comment was considerably "nasty", then you have some serious reality to wake up to. If anything was particularly bullish and outstanding, it was the comment that is presently being responded to. If you knew what the word slake truly meant then you would realize it has nothing to do with liquid in the context of my poem, which utilizes its alternate meaning quite well. If you have to pick up a dictionary while you are writing YOUR poetry, then I suggest that you put down your finger paints and use words that you have actual knowledge of. I bet you use a thesaurus as intolerable, mindstarving, study-case shell of a poet." [Butterflies by Caducus] "The final stanza is probably the best final stanza about metaphorical butterflies I have read this month. *9*"

ALChemy 31-Aug-05/10:20 AM


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