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Lessons(revised) (Free verse) by bellafuego

Some things I've learned, you ask? That 2 plus 2 doesn't always equal 4. Because seeing things as black or white, Right or wrong, Doesn't work in this world. Just like the sky isn't always blue, This world is often gray. The raindrops don't fall soft on any fields I've known. The roads and paths i've taken do rise up; Only to fall and bring me to my knees. The sun won't always shine warm upon my face; Sometimes it burns Like a cut from a knife through the flesh. These lessons should have made me bitter. Could have stolen my smile. But then that brings me to the greatest lesson of all. Life isn't perfect or fair or even guaranteed.

zodiac 31-Aug-05/5:10 AM
Why does the first line have a question mark after it?

Would you say you've learned all the things there are to learn in life now? The reason I'm asking is because fifteen minutes before you wrote this poem, you could have written a poem saying

Some things I've learned:
2 + 2 = 4,
Translation always works,
The sky's always blue

and been just as wrong.

In fact, I imagine you writing this exact same poem every fifteen minutes for the rest of your life and always being exactly the same amount wrong. Wouldn't that be something? What do you think about that?

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