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The Servant and The Messenger (Other) by ALChemy

Beloved though you are to me and coveted by man. I stray not from my path for you. For I am under higher authority and by way of it’s command can serve one master but never two. Unless my master is the one who sent the words that you should speak. Then I shall be compelled to ask for proof. Only then shall I leave the road I‘m on and this new path shall I seek. Whether it’s end be near or aloof. Unsheathe the sword of truth before my eyes. So that I may see that god has changed his mind or I shall live the same life I have lead. For I will take only the road to paradise and not even the mightiest of angelkind can persuade me with words that god has not said.

-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 29-Aug-05/4:35 AM
But the astronomers (many of whom were blasphemers, by the way) did not say "I'm going to look for a new thing called a star today" before looking up at the sky and finding something they called a star. They just looked up, discovered some phenomena, and gave them names AFTER their discovery. But you were giving your phenomenon a name before you even knew what it was. You called it God. Well, suppose you looked up at the sky and saw a star. Would you think you had found God? No. What if you saw a man with a giant beard and sandals? Yes. He's God. So if you're saying, as you did say, that we must find and define God, you must already have some definition of God before you begin your quest. I therefore accept your clarification that you need at least some partial definition before beginning the search for Jesus.

I'm touched that you've found some good points about The Splendour Of Gold. Throughout history, man has burrowed for Gold. This has led me to believe that Jesus also spent much of His time living in a burrow. A great number of early christian doctrines actually held that Jesus inhabited an elaborate warren complex near Nazareth, but these were later superseded by more romantic depictions of Christ's life. I think it's shameful the way man pollutes historical texts with his own views on what constitutes Glory or Holiness.

Finally, regarding your assertion that God doesn't need to transmit is communications from Heaven, via Space, then down onto planet Earth, I will refer you to the first two lines of the Lord's Prayer:

"Our Father,
Who art in Heaven,"

Now why would the prayer say our Father was in Heaven, if he was actually somewhere else, or everywhere else? He's obviously not in Hell. He isn't in unclean places, like slop buckets, or cesspits. There may be spiritual nodes situated within every living cell (excluding bacteria), or every clean spirit, but these nodes are far from autonomous, and must establish a connection to the Primary Hub in Heaven, mediated by some form of radiation owing to the physical constraints imposed by the vacuum of Space.

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