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My question is...... (Free verse) by Annie

Its different I look at you and see all the chances that I could have if I just took the time 2 experience it. So many things going through my mind. He's laying there with just the fabric of string that's letting him hang on till tomorrow. And then you want me 2 put my hope, All my trust in this thing society call's "God" As he's your invisible savior, The answer 2 all things? My question is.... Why is there so many people dying day in and day out? Why is it people all over the world are infected with all these different illness? Why is it your savior does nothing 2 stop innocence from being killed? I have so many question's, And yet i'll go on with them Unnoticed, Untouched, And unanswered. When tomorrow comes he will still be your savior, And the dying will still be hanging by tread, an unwinding piece of string. And i'll still have all my doubts, but by tomorrow i'll have a new question. I find society weak and pathetic When I bleed, I bleed alone, no savior to hold my hand. When I cry, When my tears fall down off my face after seeing the out come of life, I cry alone, with no "God" 2 wipe off the tears. And when i have 2 say good-bye 2 all the people that have touched my life, It's my world that feels like it's falling apart. My question is Where is this savior you put all your hope in?? The one you call "God, our father" If I am his child, If we are his children Why is it he does nothing 2 stop our suffering, He does nothing 2 stop our crying, And he still does nothing 2 stop the blood, As society bleeds for him each day.

LilMsLadyPoet 28-Aug-05/9:02 PM
The use of 2, for 'to' is annoying, to me. Spelling>its: it's. Why is there> Why are there. by tread> by thread.
i'll> I'll (You used 'I'.) pathetic(.) Too many commas in the last stanza.
Besides all that, it is a common theme that young people address in their life, and this poem is typical of the questions that rise when looking at spirituality. I would answer your last statement with: Christianity says that he did his bleeding for order to save them from themselves. I would ask, what would you know or learn without the challenges, the tears, the pain? You would not know of triumph, happiness, or joy. Without hate, how would you know love? Without cold how would you know what warmth was? Should we all be saved from anything uncomfortablable or painful, when to do so would rob us of knowledge and experience? If a mother protects her child from any and ALL pains, is he prepared? Is he knowledgable, does he live a full life? No, love is not robbing her child of the right to choose, even when that choice is not best. Love is letting him make mistakes, and letting him learn and grow from them. I have been through many trials, and now looking at it all and am glad for every single makes me who I am! I have a wisdom that I could not have had, had I been 'spared'. It gives me knowledge to share with ohters, it gives me a compassion that is rare in most people, it gives me a wider perspective and I can look at things with less judgement.

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