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Apollinaire: Mirabeau Bridge (Other) by Sasha
Translated from the French "Le Pont Mirabeau" by Guillaume Apollinaire.
"Sous le pont Mirabeau coule la Seine..."
Below Mirabeau bridge there flows the Seine
As for our loves
Must I recall how when
Sorrow was over joy would come again
Let night come bells toll away
Days go by me yet I stay
With hands entwined let us stay face to face
While underneath
The bridge of our embrace
Flow waters weary of an eternal gaze.
Let night come bells toll away
Days go by me yet I stay
Love goes away the way these waters flow
Love goes away
How life is growing slow
How violent the Hope that deals the blow
Let night come bells toll away
Days go by me yet I stay
The days the weeks pass by beyond all ken
Neither time passed
Nor lost love come again
Below Mirabeau bridge there flows the Seine
Let night come bells toll away
Days go by me yet I stay