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The Servant and The Messenger (Other) by ALChemy

Beloved though you are to me and coveted by man. I stray not from my path for you. For I am under higher authority and by way of it’s command can serve one master but never two. Unless my master is the one who sent the words that you should speak. Then I shall be compelled to ask for proof. Only then shall I leave the road I‘m on and this new path shall I seek. Whether it’s end be near or aloof. Unsheathe the sword of truth before my eyes. So that I may see that god has changed his mind or I shall live the same life I have lead. For I will take only the road to paradise and not even the mightiest of angelkind can persuade me with words that god has not said.

zodiac 26-Aug-05/4:53 AM
Yeah, actually I understand that, but it's kind of self-serving, isn't it? I mean, in order to make God exist then, you've got to make infinite potential exist, but that's just as hard to invent as God is, and it's just as arbitrary, just as much an act of imagination, an invention.

For example, with the amount of mental effort it takes for you to believe in the existence of infinite potential, I can:
- believe in the non-existence of infinite potential,
- believe in the non-existence of nothingness,
- believe that the existence of infinite potential means an infinite potential that God DOESN'T exist,
- make a cheese sandwich.

They're all just as easy, see? As far as nothingness on an infinite scale existing in a realm of infinite possibility, I disagree. Imagine for a moment there are only two possibilities concerning my existence (I know that's impossible, but imagine for a moment):

1) Either nothingness can exist on an infinite scale, or it can't.
2) Either I'm wearing pants right now, or I'm not.

As far as the hypothetical reality above goes, is there an infinite possibility? No, there are only two possibilities. Can nothingness exist on an infinte scale? Yes. To make infinite nothingness exist, you only need one potential thing: the potential for infinite nothingness. See what I mean? If you don't, we need to get -=Dark_Angel=-,P.I. back from vacation in Leeds to tear us both to pieces on this.

On a side note, some ancient thinker (Augustine?) said that since human consciousness can't fathom the concept of infinity, he can't have invented it by himself, therefore: God. This is kind of balls. Anyone will tell you infinity is just the highest number you can think of plus one, a concept which even the dullest among us can fathom.

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