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The Servant and The Messenger (Other) by ALChemy

Beloved though you are to me and coveted by man. I stray not from my path for you. For I am under higher authority and by way of it’s command can serve one master but never two. Unless my master is the one who sent the words that you should speak. Then I shall be compelled to ask for proof. Only then shall I leave the road I‘m on and this new path shall I seek. Whether it’s end be near or aloof. Unsheathe the sword of truth before my eyes. So that I may see that god has changed his mind or I shall live the same life I have lead. For I will take only the road to paradise and not even the mightiest of angelkind can persuade me with words that god has not said.

ALChemy 23-Aug-05/3:36 AM
What exactly is an atheist? If a person doesn't believe in any religion, why argue with them? Seems like arguing with a brick wall to me. Besides no matter how you look at it you end up with something coming from nothing. If I were to define God at this point in my life I'd say God is the infinate potential that must exist within infinate nothingness. Look up the Sumnum philisophy.
If you have infinate potential then why not have any darn thing you want exist including God or whatever. If you say God is beyond our imagination than God stands above all things we see or imagine. The big bang seperates nothingness and infinate potential into matter and anti-matter. So this is my obviously biased take on creation. I choose to believe because in my heart it feels write, because I just want to. So faith and belief are basically whatever floats your boat.

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