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Where did the word "ORIGIN" come from? (Free verse) by T. Jonathron Remp
For years they delighted
persuaded, and writed,
differing theories,
slippery queries,
Timothy Learies,
about where did it come from,
this word: a conundrum
the opposite of a humdrum
the title of sin
the mystery within
the first and the last,
the future and past,
this word would evade
the etymological parade
the question of questions
the beginning of starts
the pumper of hearts
the pusher of carts
the trade of all jacks
the pimp of all macks:
the broom of all-
Actually my friend just told me that it came from Latin, via Middle
English, from roots that mean "arise" or "be born."
O, the mystery that is the word "root"
the historical loot
the untastable fruit