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Ignorant Children (Prose Poem) by Stacy Stewart

Is it so difficult to understand that though there never really was an actual "Little Engine That Could": a steam locomotive with a human persona, the lesson about persistence that the story conveys, metaphorically, is still true? Is it so hard to continue to accept and believe in the spirit of giving as an expression of love even after we discover that there never really was a Santa Claus? One can only wonder as to what internal purpose this behavior could serve. Intentionally confusing metaphor with reality is a way of denying the validity of reality, I suppose, and in turn a way of denying the truth. If this is so, and God is at least represented by truth if not being truth itself, then we could also say it's a way of denying God. But lets not forget the utmost importance of our world: The Politicians that must at times, swim against the hem of the sea; therefore meaning public opinion. Reminding an outraged populace that even "a war to rid the world of evil" This is subject to the laws of war, both the right to wage the war or right to prevent the war. Thus governs the right to go to war, and in a beautiful denominated insight; straight in the war; And now you have mayhem in our society. And the society that believes in order to make a quick dollar it's best to sue than actually get down and on your hands and knees and scrubs floors to feed your children. Then taking the money and chasing the dragon instead. "Oh Santa how I wish you were real" said the child in the bathroom professing her insanity; striking her arms over and over again, while as she proclaims "crimson is overtaking my soul". While her Father is preaching the bible and mom is working overtime in her new job as partner, at the law firm down the road. Getting fucked over by the goverment, yet at the same time getting fucked in her ass herself. All because of the cartoon: "The Little Engine That Could".

thepinkbunnyofdoom 5-May-05/3:05 PM
Eh? It's long, and stops to really interest around the Religious remark. Really liked the following lines.

"The Lawyers that must at times, swim against the hem of the sea;
meaning public opinion."

There is controling your audience, and then there are failed attempts. This was a fairly good attempt. Like Alizarin_Crimson said a nice start, now trim it. Get to your point sooner, and if it's going to look this bulky, Reclassify it as a Prose Poem please.

<3 Jason

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