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Returning (Free verse) by Dovina

Embers of burned out nights still glow between us while old dust gathers 'round our feet years since I danced with you in that young ballroom tonight so pensive, philosophical that room seems a former life Back hurting, heart recluse it's a matter of indifference reincarnation, I think to a lesser karma Hospital visits replace bedroom visits expensive restaurants for sack lunches It's not that I've given up on love it's just another kind – less passionate, more soulish happy with someone who's done the miles opened his once-closed mind and might even, before its too late his heart too

Dovina 30-Apr-05/9:40 AM
I will tentatively accept that we are entering some new period of getting along. But you must understand that I am like the wary person attacked by tigers in my recent poem "Racism." If I write such a didactic poem as a person claiming that content and meaning are the prime ingrediaents for judging her own writing's worth, it behooves me to heed my own words. The title is "Racism" but the message is broader.

My favorite of my poems is usually the most recent, unless the recent one is intintionally silly or retribution or parody or some such. I write several poems in an average week, and usually the one I post after the obligatory two-day wait is the most recent. "Racism" is currently my favorite.

A poem can be self-contradictory and still a good poem. Matters of belief and emotion often conflict with logic and often work better when they do. I rate a poem most highly when it settles as true on some level, and even higher if its truth is well presented.

"Check and mate" is so self-congratultory an arogant, a reversal to what I have learned to expect.

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