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Middle-Aged White Woman (Free verse) by Dovina

Maybe it’s time. You look at me and see a symbol of conservative acts that hurt you. My kind abused your kind. Now with your freedom, your authority, your power, it’s time for retribution. Go ahead, ignore me, don’t hire me belittle me in your verse skip over me at your readings. My ancestors did it to your ancestors. You have the right. It’s a new experience for me, that’s all. Maybe it’s time.

zodiac 22-Apr-05/11:33 AM
3) My family is British imported to Ireland in order to oppress your family. Would anybody with any maturity suggest that this justifies your oppression of me? Would anybody with any maturity suggest that your oppression would best take the form of refusing to vote on my poemranker posts? Why not? My family's oppression of yours is contemporaneous with slavery, likely as horrendous, and much more certain than your or my family's association with slavery. In any event, it's horribly perjorative to black suffering (in the past and present) and to blacks living today to propose that black suffering might be even slightly amended by black people's refusal to hire whites or by skipping you at their readings, and to suggest that any reasonable black person would suggest it. Especially considering that MOST blacks know there's just no point to it, it's childish, and nobody alive today really had anything to do with slavery. With Rodney King, yes. With slavery, no.

4) Statistically, blacks have far less power, wealth, freedom, and so on than whites. There is simply no way blacks could realistically oppress whites. What's that? They have poetry readings? They have poetry readings of their own, where they insult whites? So what? Whites own 99% of the world's media, and a good 99.5% of its poetry readings. Most of which, if it touches on race at all, denigrates blacks. That's hardly what I call a situation ripe for black conquest. Suggesting blacks could realistically do anything close to oppression shows at best a colossal ignorance of the inequality still faced by blacks.

PS-I was being ironic about the vernal thing. And if you're going to hold me to some sense-making standard, try making a little yourself. A good place to start would be actually reading my comment and responding to what's written there. Replying 'blah blah blah, you sure do talk alot,' is just not going to cut it.

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