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f*ckyouoldmenandyourrules (Pimple) by Damien_

yo, Goad, listen up motherf*cker ima bust your ass without succor ima make your butt cheeks pucker take me for some sucker don't look for obviation of my rage with citation of some old rules for the formation of my words -- it's creation f*ck you and your castration of poetry's raw elation I'll slam you to damnation all you've got's dry explanation a boring mindless libration around a fixed point of reference... that's just dumb deference to some dead guy's ideas of what's right because he was more read than you, now he's dead so you make his achievement ground zero you forget why he's a hero 'cuz he did it all different, broke the old rules and he'd come back and call you all fools but all you can do is hassle go on and build your air castle your dreams of superiority, keep on with your delusions that your mere seniority holds off our conclusions about your inferiority think we're cheering your wit? we saw your last post, it was sure shitty how much time engineering that poor ditty lol after hearing your shit we all have some confusion how you're sustaining the illusion your skill with words is that facile I think your work's a big passle of shit, and you're my vassal you've missed the point you dumb assh*le poetry's not some theory Bohr writ, see our energy's not in boxes quantum states cuz some cock says no, we're the free radicals and these are just the first fascicles of new poetical pinnacles so f*ck off all you aristocraticals you'd best stop intruding on our work with rude sling- ing of insults, denuding some poor girl's heartfelt brooding because she missed some apostrophes they don't matter! your commentary's just chatter you don't care if the accrued sting gives her one fatal last mood swing just so you can make like you're some Sophocles if we let you somehow you'd wring all the joy from this true thing we call poetry, but now I'm disallowing so get set to march like deng xiaoping but you won't end up no president you'll just be another resident of the club for washed up oldie hacks with the rockmages and the zodiacs what you get for trying to be brainiacs well done and good luck, you has-been old f*ck.

Goad 19-Apr-05/2:49 PM
Eminem is an extraordinarily talented poet. I know it will be considered very uncool for me to say so, but he really is. I don't like rap much, and when he's doing the whole gang bang thing I think it's boring. But some of his lyrics? breathtaking skill with word-smithing.

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