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Utensils of creation (Free verse) by Damien

My utensils of creation may mean nothing when I mention, Anything is possible if you hold the right intention, What I am meaning to say don’t get carried away, Be a human without a label that cannot and will not decay, And now I will write to you a guide within my self, It may not reach you but to someone else it may be of help, ---- I will absorb this mass creation today I will find peace, So that when I come across something it cannot backtrack me, I will acknowledge what I found today I will not judge, So that my mind can see the truth for everything it could, I will let go of all the meaning today I will be free, So I can find myself alone in my company I will receive, I will accept enlightenment today I feel like god, So I can share my love with all I should especially those lost, Then will come growth like any natural process, But if I see no improvement I will not feel hopeless, At the end of the day there are no words to say to drastically change your life, Politics prove this through words they miss but there actions control our minds.

zodiac 14-Apr-05/3:24 AM
Nagging about grammar isn't petty. Well, it's not as petty as writing a mediocre poem because you can't be bothered to do the grammar right, anyway.

Anyway, grammar has everything to do with writing what you feel. For example, by leaving "there" (instead of "their") you make the poem mean something entirely different from what you feel. It's not politician's actions that control our minds, it's just some actions... there.

For another example, you don't even know what you think and communicate like a fucking cerebral-palsied, you fucking moron. You basically prove:
1) Politicians don't use life-changing words;
2) Politicians control our minds; therefore,
3) There are no life-changing words.

- which is fucking idiotic.

For yet another example, you can't even communicate or read well enough to know what someone commenting on your poem is saying, anyway. You think we're having some big argument about whether "the subjects interlink they are not one", whatever that means, and you're probably all pissed about it and punching walls and shit, and no one's said anything of the kind. I've said some of the lines are simply WRONG. If you wanna wrassle, try answering that, buddy.

Why don't you try to make sense and stop spazzing all over the place? Hey, good luck!

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