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Reasonably Good (Free verse) by Dovina

Before my birth myself flourished and will again past my pseudo death Beauty and Good demand it so for they are bastions strong as reason Easy to honor the dove hard to extol the rat Easy to admire DNA and hate uranium 238 Beautiful and Good Ugly and Bad I believe I know the difference For I live not alone by reason but by knowledge of Beauty and Good Thus I surpass the waypoints— birth and death with God who creates Beauty and Good demand it

-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 23-Mar-05/6:12 PM
Let's be formal about this, Dovina.

Def. A closed mind of domain D is a mind that deflects all propostions that are not in D, regardless of whether or not said propositions are true.

Def. An open mind is a mind that accepts a proposition if and only if it can convince itself that the proposition is true.

Dovina's Theorem. There exist true propositions that are picked up by an open mind and deflected by a closed one.

Proof. Let C be the closed mind with the empty domain. C therefore deflects all propositions, so in particular it deflects the true proposition "Dovina has a woman's brain."

Let O be the open mind that thinks Dovina has a woman's brain. By definition, O accepts the proposition "Dovina has a woman's brain" and we have the theorem. QED

-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I.'s Important Theorem. For every open mind, there is an equivalent closed mind that accepts and rejects the same propositions.

Proof. Let O be an arbitrary open mind. Let D be the collection of all propositions that O can convince itself are true. O is clearly equivalent to the closed mind with domain D. QED.

Corollary. All Dovina has said is that different minds can disagree about the validity of a proposition. :(

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