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Reasonably Good (Free verse) by Dovina

Before my birth myself flourished and will again past my pseudo death Beauty and Good demand it so for they are bastions strong as reason Easy to honor the dove hard to extol the rat Easy to admire DNA and hate uranium 238 Beautiful and Good Ugly and Bad I believe I know the difference For I live not alone by reason but by knowledge of Beauty and Good Thus I surpass the waypoints— birth and death with God who creates Beauty and Good demand it

durr_T_hip_E 22-Mar-05/2:57 PM
This is precisely what i mean by saying that any other conclusion leads to misuse of language so as to justify reality...

what seems to you, simply is not. the only magical property that truth contains is that it is not able to be misinterpreted. truth is only truth when properly communicated lest we seek for our meaning to be lost.

it is definitely not a prerequisite to discovery that we have preconception of discovery at all; such a conclusion is the perfect examply of warping language so as to justify false reality - your practical example of antithesis? -adam and eve having no knowledge walk around an unfamiliar world having no idea of a thing called fruit and stumble upon (discover) a thing called an apple tree.

they were not looking for any thing in particular, in fact, they weren't seeking out any individual thing at all, yet, they made a discovery with absolutely no preconception of anything at all except for maybe the fact that they might exist in reality...and even that, even today, is not a total truth; whether you accept that or not.

in reality, i would define truth as more of a marble in a pitch black room; those who slip and fall on it usually can't find where it rolled to after they get back up...I see you're still on the ground assuming that you can describe the thing that made you fall. at any rate, i'd love to sit down over coffee and let you discover the reality of what i think, but it appears you already have some preconception of what i am, so, despite the fact (in your reality) that you are seeking me through your preconception of what i am, i doubt you'll discover what's inside because you've already deflected me off your closed mind.



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