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Apostrophetic Loss (Free verse) by Dovina

Its an ambiguous shame doesnt matter theyve said tove lost jot and tittle period and dash for colloquialisms sake Renegade poet comedians Youd stop it but cant your uncool theyd say dims the word havent a clue to incrowds code Theydve cut vowels too but couldnt agree on clubs slang so theyve invented bow’ls instead broken cool rules makin other language its my it your it its a shame all its its and theyve needed only it Apostrophes end or apostrophetic loss’

zodiac 20-Mar-05/2:27 AM
1) Speaking for myself, I get a kick out of butchering people who butcher the language. Do you see the difference? I bet not. And can you respond to this string without referencing your imaginary "incrowd"? There's surely an argument even without, but I bet you can't think of it. Or are too hung up on your playground-flashback bully-fantasies to want to.

2) Um, how about, "lost jot and tittle period and dash for colloquialisms sake"? Anyway, it occurs to me that whether or not you find a colloquialism without apostrophes, periods, or dashes, you've still lost. Dropping punctuation doesn't make something necessarily colloquial or more colloquial. They're just not related, and you're probably just using the wrong word.

3) What the fuck?

4) No incrowd, sorry.

5) dim and uncool are unrelated. Um, I don't explain them. I was being sarcastic.

6) Latecomers use it. If I do sometimes it's because I'm lazy.

7) ibid.

8) What the fuck?

9) I don't think you have a very good idea about anything, incrowdish or not.

10) I'd hate for you to leave. If I've ever suggested anything of the kind, I'm truly sorry.

PS-Thanks for answering my points. It bothers me to no end when people don't.

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