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Apostrophetic Loss (Free verse) by Dovina

Its an ambiguous shame doesnt matter theyve said tove lost jot and tittle period and dash for colloquialisms sake Renegade poet comedians Youd stop it but cant your uncool theyd say dims the word havent a clue to incrowds code Theydve cut vowels too but couldnt agree on clubs slang so theyve invented bow’ls instead broken cool rules makin other language its my it your it its a shame all its its and theyve needed only it Apostrophes end or apostrophetic loss’

zodiac 18-Mar-05/9:41 PM
And can we get back to the poem for a minute?

1) There's no connection between inappropriate apostrophe use and "renegade poet comedians" on poemranker except that two (maybe three) of them sometimes write "you're" as "your". They don't do that because they've got a problem with apostrophes; they do it because they're making fun of everybody on the site who confuses them all the time. In any event, that wouldn't be an apostrophe problem; it would be an apostrophe-AND-misspelling problem.

2) Again, colloquialisms and apostrophes are not necessarily related. Wherever colloquialisms ARE written, they're written with apostrophes. In fact, most colloquialisms are written with more apostrophes than standard English, as exemplified by the colloquialisms at this helpful site, Black Country Sayings:

3) "Renegade poet comedians"??? It seems like just a little while ago you were calling them stuffy bastions of conservative poetry. Anyway, are you aware of what a TOTAL REVERSAL that is? And I bet if I comment on someone's punctuation today, you'll be back on how I'm keeping poetic experimenters down with my strict adherence to Victorian standards. Without realizing you've spun so fast, you've left your britches still traveling in the opposite direction.

4) "dim" was the word about six months ago. Since then I've gone through periods of using "bum", "Retard Islam", and god knows what else. So, way to keep up! Glad to hear "dim" hurt the most, though!

5) There is no incrowd. No one says anyone's uncool on this site. Except me - I say you're uncool.

6) Bow'ls is an appropriate (though archaic) usage. Otherwise you'd have to pronounce it with two syllables. Anyway, no one here invented it.

7) By the way, bow'ls is SO two years ago.

8) As far as I can recall, no "renegade poet comedian" on this site has ever used dropped g's (ie, "makin") for a gag. You, however did affect an accent for an entire comment once (here:, so are you insane?

9) I'd say the "it" part is about me since I overuse it in my comments here, but you'll just say I'm totally unsupported it's about someone else, so whatever. I do have a problem overusing it on this site. If that's what you're talking about, good one.

10) In short, this poem is totally crap, not a poem, and grounded in some lunatic assumption that everyone on this site except blacksoul, al-nafiysh, and Dan g-B is unreasonably out to get you. I'm serious, that's what lunatics think.

If you're going to respond, "what a bunch of drivel i couldn't be bothered to read it or whatever", please don't. For one, it just makes you look like you're intimidated by reading more than a dozen words at a time. And for another thing, I went to the trouble of putting it in handy bullet-point format to avoid exactly that problem. Hey, thanks for paying attention!

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