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You took my half dozen (revised) (Free verse) by poodietat
You took my half dozen,
and maybe one or two more,
with your hand
and guided it inside,
loving the feel, the warmth, the size.
You took my half dozen,
filled yourself with cock and guilt,
moaning, saying my name
worrying you're a whore,
not the virgin-slut cock-tease bitch
you wish you were.
You took my half dozen,
in and out,
decided it was rape
had your cake,
ate it and fed your identity
as a hapless victim
a silly girl.
You took my half dozen
but wanted me behind,
put your ass in the air,
was it for your cunt
or did you want
me to fuck your ass
like daddy used to do
or was that the babysitter
or your own mangled vegetable fuck?
You took my half dozen
with glee and venom
a moment of passion
a lifetime of hate,
said "in california, that's rape,"
told the cops
you were passed out,
didn't remember how good it felt.
But you remember my half dozen,
touching yourself at night
or sometimes in the bath
rape-fantasy, damn that feels good
touch me, rape me, fuck me from behind.
You took my half dozen
worse than a rapist,
psychological nutcase fuck bitch,
you wander a fog of lies
hurting women who don't consent,
casting doubt on their abuse,
hurting men you thought you loved.