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Hunger (Free verse) by Dovina

(Imagine a single line of text in a circle that you have to turn as you read - the word “Hunger” at the center. You can’t determine where to start, so start reading anywhere.) I am hungry You present me a plate of food Sensations arise I see food, smell it, anticipate eating it Volition comes into use I pick up utensils I indulge in the pleasure of eating As my stomach fills, desire decreases My mind turns to other desires New sensations Mental formulations arise

zodiac 27-Feb-05/9:57 PM
Yes, random 10s are funny. That has nothing to do with "sensibility and logic".

Yes, using "your" instead of "you're" is funny. So is using quotation marks when they're not needed. Neither of them has anything to do with sensibility and logic. They more have to do with things that make me laugh or at least smile.

This comment so far has used a fair amount of sensibility and logic. That I have to batter you with it is simply beyond my capacity for understanding. You should just get how it's logical. Anyway just trust me, it's logical. Of course, you're not going to believe me, so I'm applying to an outside source:

AHMED THE INTERNET GUY: Oh, yes, definitely logical. Sensible too.

As for the rest, there is no "straw man" and stop using that for an argument. The thought of trying to adequately explain why simply exhausts me, but in short you're bound to have heard about Mark Twain's famous novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and His Accompanying Negro.
Q: Is it racist?
A: Probably.
Q: But how? It doesn't "imply" any specific "propositions" about the inferiority of Negros!
A: Because it doesn't imply anything except Negros are larkey, goodnatured, and easily handled.
Q: I don't think that makes it racist.
A: Whatever, your entitled to your own opinion.

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