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Love Poem in HTML (Free verse) by Plaidypus

for_jim.html body { color: #FF0000; border: 20px; background-image: url(baroque_floralwithcupids); background-position: center center; font-family: "Verdana", font-size: Large; font-style: oblique; } #header { background-color: #FF0000; vertical-align: middle; padding: 50px; color: #FF9999; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: medium; font-style: oblique; font-weight: bolder; } #text { color: #FF0000; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: medium; font-style: oblique; font-weight: bolder; <html> <body> <p align="center" id="header">For Jim</p> <div id="#text"> <div align="center"> <p align="center">With hair like the vibrant, burning sun</p> <p align="center">the closer I approach thee</p> <p align="center">my heart begins to melt, and then </p> <p align="center">I swoon right into a sycamore tree </p> </div> </div> <p align="center">&nbsp;</p> <p align="center">The books, layouts, and prints he makes </p> <p align="center">cause a stirring in my sacred places</p> <p align="center">I eye his webpage till my heart breaks,</p> <p align="center">clean of errors and non-breaking spaces</p> <p align="center">&nbsp;</p> <p align="center">just like his golden demeaner, and &lt;oh& gt; his wit!</p> <p align="center">I envy the t-shirt closely brushing his chest </ p> <p align="center">Not a straying hair, dirty fingernail, or zit</ p> <p align="center">contaminates his figure, so blessed</p> <p align="center">&nbsp;</p> <p align="center">I would run for miles to the nearest Mountain, ( and then climb that) </p> <p align="center">I would give him all the unmined gold in the sea & lt;/p> <p align="center">I'd draw thirty million perfect circles</p> <p align="center">if he'd corral his wild heart, solely for me </ p> <p align="center">&nbsp;</p> <p align="center">&nbsp;</p> <p align="center">&nbsp;</p> <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>

Plaidypus 14-Feb-05/8:59 PM
How is one supposed to make any real progress if they never put themselves out there and try to experiment, once in a while? This is not necessarily a finished piece....furthermore, if you actually knew anything about HTML then you would find it amusing. I actually wrote this for a friend of mine who is an English major, and knows how to write code, and he loved it. The code puts is intended to put it into a sort of geeky, cyberspace context. I'm not saying its a work of genius, but I am DEFINITELY trying to do something original. I will NOT just "write the poem," thank you very much. All poetry sounds too similar...and I am trying something new.

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