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Confusion (Free verse) by jroday

Confusion is an emotion that gets the best of us all. Try hard to maintain a postive stand, only to welcome negativity then fall. Who claims to know the end of a story only half told. One unique person with a heart of gold. Sometimes the power, it comes from the mind. How can you lay stake to it on another man's grind? Give me up! let loose my chains. Lay down a path leading to faulty grain. Challenge all the creatures, and stand face to face with the baddest beast. Demand they consume my hands...north, south,west and east. Take out a broken bow in the company of a bent up arrow; target locked on an invisible sparrow. I can't hear you and it,s making me weak. Dictate unconscious words as I speak. Showers of vocies makes the confusion grow. How much mental land is left to till before that first pure snow? Flowers blossom and glories they eventually bloom. Night after night passes, but morning comes to soon. Creates a vision of dancing daisies. Erects a slupture from the brains of the lazy. Nothing stops in confusion's world. It's on a signed mission from it's creator to destroy man, woman, boy and girl.

Dovina 8-Feb-05/7:16 AM
Verse 4 is the way a lot of conversations go. Good description. There's no point in even talking when it goes like that.

"Erects a sculpture from the brains of the lazy" is good too,

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