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Birth (Free verse) by Caducus

Born screaming into smiles then wiped clean, sex checked and separated from bloodied purity Into filth, by latex executioners aluminium murder. Put me back. For this man is stillborn. Who sleeps fetal, in a cold cotton womb and awakes dying next to a sewed vagina. Like the Bible I am edited to mistruths by an empress who varnishes nails red lashing at my back as I fill the rubber chalice of denied seed. Our last supper. I watched her devour my hopes, Kissed her as she tied me in ropes below a bleeding sky where I hung with the orb of ovulated yolk. Pulled from the cunt of life to the arms of death, concentrated breathing slowly leaving, reborn a Father to the baby you denied me.

Caducus 26-Jan-05/2:27 AM
Thanks Wilco:

An Explanation on the last stanza for milefromnowhere.

Pulled from the cunt of life
to the arms of death,
concentrated breathing
slowly leaving,
reborn a Father
to the baby you denied me.

Last stanza is about giving up/taking ones life. It ends pretty much as it begins because in the first stanza he is born and in the last he dies BUT death in a sense IS a new beginning, this is highlighted in the line 'pulled from the cunt of life' this represents life is/does not have the purity of a womb but instead its something repugnant such as c*. The fact that in line 2 i say 'to the arms of death' normally in birth you go to the arms of a midwife but here its the gentle arms of death/peace - peace is what we are when we are fetuses.

In short from the cold cunt of life to the warm embracing arms of death.

'Concentrated breathing' this is what women do as they give birth and its what the character is doing again YES in death but to him its like a rebirth, an escape, not anything sad anymore as the pain will soon be over.

The last 3 lines are key as these explain his reason for wanting to die. His hopes of becoming a father have been scuppered by his lover because she doesnt want children and he loves her but cannot choose a life with love childless or become re-born through dying. As his life feels worthless he decides to end it.

I tried to make the end not so much depressing but hopeful.

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