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The Stone Seeker and the Stacking (Free verse) by darkshark

Stones counted and stacked in a humble pile Between an old milk carton and switchgrass. I have known every one of them before they Were here; cold, lifeless, and still. They moved with rhythm, soft and steady, Footstep over dead branches, no noise But the warm crumble of soil against And between toes. They spoke in voices, hushed as fading Cigaretes, and laughed like leaves blowing Through the willows and turning against The cliffs. They were motions of quicksilver and Moments of flagstone, sudden but sure To feel for the right grasp and hold on to ropes And bookeshelves in the cold. Surging so much like stormclouds Bounding across the broken sky in billows, In puffs rolling into more summer justice Jagged in the certain blue. That was then, in the cherry-sweet spring, When a daffodil was broken in two, Shared for each petal to be placed in the cupped Hands of the wind. Lifted away past the eyes of geese And bluebirds winging back home, Until the yellow becomes a past event landing In a distant span of rocky earth. Now we are here, back among the burnt orange Of autumn, when I can see the skeletons Shaking off their verdant shrouds, when I can See through to you, hidden for so long in the flickering shade. I look forward to the snow, awaiting foot prints For the permanence of that sinking To the ankle, the wet reaching in above the Boot to remind us of the stones living Underneath. They come in all sizes, from a thumbtack to A paperweight, so I choose carefully, making Sure I leave the thin ones aside, placing the thick Tumblers first, letting them dig hollows in the earth. From there I build, until all that is left is The sliver of stone I almost neglected to see, lost As it was by the antmound in the weeds, But I searched twice, and now the stacking is complete.

SupremeDreamer 21-Jan-05/4:31 PM
Cigarettes. Might want to correct that spelling...

Now, what exactly was your intention with this... "poem"? No doubt some literary mag would stick it on the first page, but ask yourself, as in the position of the reader, these serious questions:

What the fuck is this poem saying? If anything?

Does it sound like some asswipe is trying to sound amazingly profound?

Does the poem seem written by some 19th century zombie-relic who has an irritating, condescending love of his own voice and ability to lay heavy with the poetical gilding?

Has this poem offered a fucking thing for me, the reader, to make it worth reading?

Do I feel cheated and worthless for wasting my time reading it?

Now, really consider it. Or you can just explain yourself or tell me to fuck off, it's all fun in the end as I see it.

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