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Math Poem (Free verse) by Dovina

1-1 = ½-½ 2–2 = 1–1 Taking half from half is the same as taking two from two. ½/1 = 1/2 2/4 = ½/1 Half of a thing is the same as a quarter of two. (Hang in there, follow the symmetry.) 1*1 = ½*2 ¼*4 = 1*1 Half of two things is the same as a quarter of four. ½+1½ = 2+0 1+1 = ½+1½ Two and nothing more is the same as one and one. Subtract, divide, multiply, add. Zero, half, one, two. Can you equate the series? I wish the tools were here to render clearly, math expressions eloquently— integrals, Laplaces, differentials— love, hate, fear. It’s like painting with a greasy finger. I wonder how van Gogh might have written a poem. Yeah, I know— with a gun in a wheat field.

zodiac 26-Dec-04/4:25 AM
Again you have said someone's saying opposites and attempting to unite them and then trumped loudly and unapologetically into the resulting vacuum. And never mind that the bulk of your "disses" depend on what you imagine are the negative connotations of the words "seems", "apparent" and "attempted", which really, in the long run, mean nothing as insults except to bums like you.

Where you get the idea that I've "said opposites" is beyond me. Do you mean that the statements "You are a bum" and "You have a bum idea about poetry" are opposites? Consider that in the first statement bum means something like "a hobo or transient" and in the second means something like the sense of "a bum leg" or "a bum pitching arm". Now even you must see their only loosely related.

As concerns your second question, a truckdriver like INTRANSIT would (and does) write poetry at best like a bad or unpracticed poet, and at best like a decent poet. That he writes poems about truckdriving is pretty irrelevant. He writes them like a poet talks about truckdriving, not like a truckdriver talks about truckdriving. Do you see the distinction? I bet not. Despite that the rest of your comment agrees, forgets that it contradicts your earlier position, and then trumps loudly.

I've been bored.

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