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Math Poem (Free verse) by Dovina

1-1 = ½-½ 2–2 = 1–1 Taking half from half is the same as taking two from two. ½/1 = 1/2 2/4 = ½/1 Half of a thing is the same as a quarter of two. (Hang in there, follow the symmetry.) 1*1 = ½*2 ¼*4 = 1*1 Half of two things is the same as a quarter of four. ½+1½ = 2+0 1+1 = ½+1½ Two and nothing more is the same as one and one. Subtract, divide, multiply, add. Zero, half, one, two. Can you equate the series? I wish the tools were here to render clearly, math expressions eloquently— integrals, Laplaces, differentials— love, hate, fear. It’s like painting with a greasy finger. I wonder how van Gogh might have written a poem. Yeah, I know— with a gun in a wheat field.

richa 25-Dec-04/2:36 AM
All forms of expression must follow logic or they are merely a collection of incoherent words. It is incorrect to say using logic eliminates romantic and emotional expression. Both romantics and emotions are debated by philosophers using logic. The reason I believe you ascribe magic to poetry is because you believe stringing sentences together with no logical order works. Somehow that writing it in verse makes those words less vague and more communicative than otherwise would be the case if you just strung sentences together that did not logically follow from each other. You believe that criticism of logic is invalid therefore a poem is beyond reproach with respect to logical inadequacies.

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