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Dictionary Lesson (Free verse) by Dovina

When I said, “I love you,” and soon realized its reciprocal, “You love me,” and its result, “We are in love,” and much later, with its contrary, “I don’t love you,” and finally its opposite, “I hate you,” and when, after a long hiatus, its many reverses blured into, “I have no feeling for you,” I realized my dictionary is a history, written ahead of fact, a compendium of devolution.

zodiac 23-Nov-04/2:53 AM
I "wander from the topics originally set forth" because I consider them adequately presented already and not adequately rebutted yet. And because your poem has a dozen more silly errors which bear pointing out. And because it's called a fucking analogy to help you fucking get it. And because I'm bored numb in this bum of a backwater cuntry.

However, checking my posts on this poem, I find that I've stayed surprisingly (for me) true to my original topics, which, for the sake of being on the same page, are:

1) The converse of "I love you" is not "you love me";
2) The two uses of "realized" in your poem imply that the previous statements are necessarily (and not just arbitrarily) followed by the ensuing ones; this is the cause of most of the bumness of your poem, including 5) below;
3) Opposite and contrary are the same thing; ergo, instead of "many reverses" you only have two: "reciprocal" and "contrary";
4) Strictly speaking, "hate" is not the opposite of "love";
5) This poem is trying to speak strictly.
6) Your dictionary is not a "history written ahead of the fact," it's written after the fact of millions of people having the same experience.
7) You misspelled "blurred";

And lately,

8) zodiac's poetry is unfeeling and meaningless while Dovina's isn't;
9) zodiac must be a hard person to live with;
10) zodiac doesn't appreciate "centuries" because he is bum at Maths.

I should point out that you originated all these digressions. All my posts on this page have attempted to clarify or rebut one or more of the abovementioned points. Perhaps you're confusing my thread in this discussion with -=Dark_Angel=-, P.I.'s.

As far as your two "refuted" points: The first was an exaggeration on my part, based on your comment of 21-Nov-04/11:20 AM that your poem "presents an appearance of relating philosophy, as it applies to word definitions, to felt life," and a million other ways on this page and others you've tried to present the idea that analysis, especially philosophical analysis, renders things meaningless. So fucking sue me.

The second is a bum argument, as I've already pointed out how contrary and opposite are the same thing, and how if they weren't the same, hinging your "compendium of devolution" on one possible contrary for "I love you" would be just as bum. Your response is like saying, "The Japanese Empire's decisive victory in World War II is a good example of how the Japanese work ethic and slavish adherence to heirarchy are superior to American wealth, spunk, and free-marketism." Your starting assumption is simply not true.

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