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Poemranker I Couldn't stay Away (Ode) by Tara57

(I want to compose a poem and I want you all to rip it apart claw it into small pieces so you may swallow down without choking I have missed your dissatisfied attacks all other poetry websites are kitschy and bland) Welcome me back with your daggered words welcome me back into this dark elitists world My fellow losers, rapists, homophobes, sexists, machiavellian masochists. I come to you bearing spilt wine and ruined rhyme all for you to undermine all for you But don’t think I won't open my mouth don’t think I won’t scream out My steps aren’t wary this time so come on you decide Bring everything you got against my fitted frame I will drink it down possessed in this game

zodiac 7-Nov-04/12:30 AM
You still don't get it. Listen, I'm going to make this really simple:

The grammatical mistakes, logical mistakes, non-tracking metaphors, overabundant cliche, and the frankly kind of boring sensitive self-obsession in your poems makes them - your poems - susceptible to criticism. That's only right, and what we're here for.

Your failure to do anything about them except feel hurt and misunderstood and snippy makes you - the poet, Tara57 - susceptible to criticism. That, too, is justified.

Saying "Your poem is chock-full of grammatickal and other errors" is not an attack on you, Tara57. It's a criticism of your poem, which - well, IS full of them, like "I will drink it down possessed in this game".

Saying, "You've been told dozens of times that you should pay attention to grammar on this site, and you've only gone snippy and bitter about it when anybody with a smidgen of sense would have tried to work on it and maybe improve a little" IS an attack on your person. But IT'S TOTALLY JUSTIFIED by the fact that you responded to the aboveposted criticism of your poem like a total dunce and whiny baby. IT's NOTHING AT ALL LIKE suggesting that my wife is "a sick Islam-baiting skankwhore," or whatever you said.

So just stop, okay? Don't act like we're being unreasonable, like we've got some wack-ass vendetta against you, Tara57, or anything that moves on this site. If you're going to insist on thinking that way, after my patient explanation, I'm afraid I'll have no choice but to believe you're one of the dimmest people I've ever met. Please? Just think about it? I want us to be friends, Tara. Really.

Thanks for your time,

Concerned in Islamica.

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