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How many? (Free verse) by rnsbreeze

How many days have you watched the sun rise? The answer is in your eyes as they sparkle with life. How many times have you listened to the children laugh? The answer is in your own laughter as you giggle with glee at the sight of something childish. How many times have you skinny-dipped? The answer is in your embarrassment of the moment and careful avoidance of the answer. How many loves have you had? The answer is in the hand you hold when you tell the one you love how much you love them. How many times have you cried? The answer is in the streams and rivers of the times you have been hurt. How many times have you stopped to smell the roses? The answer is in the moments that you have brought beauty into your home. How many times have you gotten angry? The answer is in the regrets of those days that you wished you could take back. How many times will you leave this earth? The answer is one, just one, so make the most of the how manys’ you do have.

sliver 1-Sep-04/6:54 AM
An inescapable truth. (Unless you believe in incarnation, then it's still inescapable, you just don't know it.)

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