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Mr. Stryker, Do You Really Want Some Kind of War? (Prose Poem) by cat

The slightly older than middle aged man wears his sunglasses at the bus stop and squints towards the sun waiting for his number to come up. The ground vibrates, he looks up, squints to make sure he has the right number, you wouldn’t want to get on the wrong bus, and he steps on. Why doesn’t the bus have seat belts he wonders, as it rumbles and bumps over pot holes and dips on the boulevard. He puts his face to the plexiglas and looks for his stop, stop 47, the vibration of the bus always helps him darken reality and slide off to somewhere else, to a time where there was only two bus lines and the drivers were always the same, he tries to fight his instincts by counting the various stops, 40, 42, but he loses somewhere around stop 44. The slightly older than middle aged man wakes up at stop 58, his swollen eyes widen and he yells at the bus driver, “I told you I was stop 47.† Through the rear view mirror the slightly older than middle aged man sees the bus driver rolling her eyes at him and shrugging her shoulders. “People just don’t give a damn anymore,” he says just loud enough for her to hear. “Maybe you should get a car old man,” jokingly says a passenger across from him, a boy with brown eyes and a shaved head. He scowls and steps off the bus; he removes his sunglasses, and crosses the street, to catch the bus. Back to the stop that he missed.

zodiac 11-Aug-04/6:58 AM
You're wrong about nearly everything. My username doesn't mean anything cool; it means something Gay. I'm married to a woman who is nothing like any of the people in any poem I've ever written except the one who drinks Chivas from the bottle. We live in Crackville, Jordan, Islamland, where I'm the farthest thing from underemployed, as just this morning I had to help my landlord birth a goat before catching the 8:30 bus (tassled fringe included) to a slightly larger hole than my usual one. That is absolutely true. It is the most common thing in the world to simply propose without any real basis that everyone who would bother posting poetry on a free website is a hopeless gay introvert except for onesself. I've never offered any excuse or justification on this matter except your Gay and I'm not. And I have a Master's in Poetry from an Accredited Poetry School. As of today I have read and voted on 3077 posts on this site, so I guess I'm adequately qualified to say what kind of repetitive self-obsessed muck is perpetrated every day here, while you're not. If you're going to continue hurling such childish insults as "Your five" and "your a hopeless Gay introvert" around this site, why don't you first try hitting the Random link at the top of this page and reading till your retinas detach, instead of parading your ignorance around here like a colossal Macy's balloon in the shape of meat? P.S., I don't really mean that you're any of these things; it's simply fun to call some ubersensitive illiterate teenager a colossal dim and watch him act sensitive and self-righteous in a slightly amusing way for a while and then leave. And even that's not very much fun anymore. So hey, thanks for having this great chat with me! I'll see ya around!


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