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A Letter to You (Free verse) by QuirkyWonder
To Whom It May Concern:
Don't you ever wonder
Who is hidden behind the words?
Well let me indulge you
In a little knowledge about my life.
I've been depressed for as long as I can remember
From the moment my parents said
They'd no longer be together
From the time when I was pikced on
And never just seemed to fit in
I eventually learned to be different
To stand out above the rest
But I still haven't found my niche
The lost piece of the puzzle
That no one can seem to find
Stranded in a corner
Having no way to turn
And feeling that if I were to buckle
No one would be there to catch me
So with this
I turn to poetry
Because words do not talk back
They simply rest there on the paper
Waiting for someone to read
And say they understand.