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Awesome Heir (Haiku) by Shin-Bojangles

Blades whirl through orc flesh Elven lips tremble with lust Aragorn is sweet

Shin-Bojangles 22-Aug-02/11:24 PM
What the hell are you talking about???
And you two up there! Stop arguing! Jessy Crow, you folx go through some fierce mood swings! Do you even know WHY you're arguing in even the most remote sense? Can you concieve of how fundamentally pointless and peripheral this dispute is? I mean, you're arguing over weather a dick is a man! What the hell??! Who cares!? The ORIGINAL statement which got all this gadding nonsense started was that "elves are androgynous pussies", which is an opinion, but one that is phrased in such a way to be intelligible by our language. There is nothing wrong with that statement on a pure, fundamental level. It makes sense. What is does NOT do, is beg any debates about the definition of sex organ gender. Cripes... I hate to be the whiney Mom on this, fellas, but the madness has to end. Obviously the "Aragorn Only" thing isn't gonna work out, which is nothing short of a big downer. Oh, and now that I'm riled up, two points, both for GodWife, there: One, I'm pretty sure Tolkien elves aren't ACTUALLY androgynous, I'm pretty sure there are distinct boy and girl elves. Two, you said up above that "Gender" is a clinical term? I THINK (I may be wrong) that "Sex" is actually the clinical term, where "Gender" referrs to the social baggage and all other more intangible aspects of one's man/womanness. ie- The male sex has a penis. The male gender always leaves the seat up.
Oh heaven... Quite a state of affairs isn't it? This is how we use the wonder of communication. I'm gonna go wash.

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