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Origins (Free verse) by Doug

And now comes past, with his new squaw forgotten, to consummate their raven joining in the newly - wed suite of was. And they'll forge a powdered shadow, while knotted in their mishapened need, soon giving life to an abstraction, And they'll call it Christ. And now comes rhythm , beside her new groom profound, to consecrate their listless union, in the warm retreat of always and glad, And they'll suppose a subtle light, in that instant of tremor and faint intrigue, soon giving birth to an expectant splendor - And we'll call it charisma.

richa 27-Jun-04/1:54 PM
First verse does not make a whole lot of sense.

1) Who is this new squaw the past has forgotten, how does past have a wife.

2) To consumate their raven joining-- 'their' can only refer to the squaw and the past. So how come they are being joined when his new squaw has been forgotten.

3) How can was ever be new, it is the past.

Verse 2, talking about christ as an abstraction invented by people to fulfill a need is just trite. It has been said a million times before, and offers a side of the argument but no insight.

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