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Broken Wings (Free verse) by donmiguel1960

A Dove without wings Longing for the weightless joy of flight A Heart deepened, with desire to float in the heavens Despair, looms, as Hopelessness Consumes Compromising happiness, a broken heart, without voyage Feelings of dark clouds on sunny days Empty thoughts as the content for the soul Wishing, dreaming, longing for change, Change not known or understood A heart crushed, unfulfilled, misconstrued A glistening sun dawns the morning Ending the velvet night, begging a new On the horizon in the sky, a wonder, a beauty unheard of An anonymity of emotion, enveloped in ecstasy of joy Virgin feelings of exhilaration, anticipation, uncertainty Drawing closer, the stranger, glimmers among the clouds Without effort, without grasp of the splendor she presents As a divine cherub, reflecting the brilliance of the luminaries An accent of Art, completing the majesty of the sky Wholesome beauty, with the coat of bliss, enchantment envelops She discovers the anguished dove, his helplessness whose borders of emotion are overcast from immense haze within he is shattered and gray, throughout Compelled to care, spirit drawn out, thoughts to share Empathy, connection, willingness He captures her flight of courage Her spirit of virtuousness, the grace of creation If only his boundaries, if only his heart His solution has been exposed, revealed, discovered But how, unattainable, incapable, helpless Each one is induced to catch the eye of the other Understanding, bolts between them, for a moment, They return their imagery of one and other, essence meet Lives have crossed, touching the heights of glory Their Pleasure, Delight, and Peace are interminable But her flight carries on, without pause She must, unable to ascend, among the heavens alone Tara has no hold on her, nor place Her boarders are the heavens themselves Trapped is the softness of the clouds, for time without end For she to is a dove, imperfect, incomplete Her flight is her prison, her confines are the sky Loving the earth, but unable to rejoice, never stopping With a picture of all horizon, but only wishing to set eyes on a single flower Unable to land, for she is a dove unable to stand

donmiguel1960 22-Jun-04/7:02 AM
ya its,as if i can't stop now. i love it. thanks for your encouragement. i wish i had discovered this about myself at a younger age. i have tried to write in the past but nothing worked. then i stopped trying to write, and i began writing what i feel, and broken wings was the first one.

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