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The Only Solution (Free verse) by Angelofpain25

I already find myself with the right answer. The answer to the end of my misery. The answer which is held at the tip of this knife. The painful answer that will rid my body of all this sadness inside. The solution that will take me to the place where I belong. The place where I'll be happy, and where I wont have to deal with any judgement. This painful but sweet rush is my only solution. And for every drop of blood from my body; I can see the ending of my suffering closer, As the carpet around me gets covered with my red spirit. My new life will start as soon as the tip of the knife, reaches the other end of my veins. Then and only then, will all my suffering and pain be ceased.

shwenatjadeflower 21-Aug-02/2:57 PM
Oh, my, goodness, don't listen to him, i don't know you yet-YET- but I will miss you if you die, don't kill yourself. and you are wrong, they judge you everywhere, heaven or hell or valhalla, wherever you believe you'll go after you isn't the right answer to your obvious problems. your suffering won't end, if you commit suicide you'll go to hell, and there it is only eternal suffering. so, don't kill yourself, one: it isn't the end of your suffering, and two: you'd be wasting talent as a poet. lol. i hope you see that it isn't right to kill yourself, it isn't,or shouldn't be any persons choice about the time of anyone elses or thier own death. i will be looking for more poetry from you. love, jade. :)

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