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Reflections of the Living Dead (Other) by SomeKindofPoet

Two tired eyes that fail to sleep, Two crying eyes that fail to weep, Two bloodshot eyes that fail to see The worthless lies you sang to me. And here I’m mourned in sad lament For all the days ‘twere wasted spent On fools and jobs and worthless things Like pearl balls and diamond rings. To me is sung the funeral song For such a life which died so long ago. Perhaps one day you’ll learn and see That all you ever did to me Was lead me to a life I hate Where now I’ve died a reprobate, Loving that I’ve hated still While laid to rest upon the hill Where wasted lives are littered there Under headstones worn coarse and bare. Perhaps one day I’ll rise from death And breathe again that precious breath That fills these bags of flesh and blood With life and love and all that should Have been the thing to drive this brain Before it thought that it could change Into a beast to never die No matter how you’d ever try To hurt it, beat it, leave it dead By all the piercing things you said. But here I lay, the living dead, Blood pumping, still, into my head, Where thoughts and hopes and all my dreams Remain entrapped behind my seams.

zodiac 23-May-04/8:23 PM
1) If you insist on continuing this conversation, please use a numbered-list format like this one. Without lists, poemranker debates tend to take something like the following form:

USER 1: [responds to all User 2's earlier comments in a semi-methodical fashion.]

USER 2: [some completely unrelated nonsense.]

USER 1: [responds to all User 2's comments in a semi-methodical fashion.]

2) And without numbered lists, how will we know who is winning?

3) I'm sorry you can't write intelligibly. Clearly, you've missed the memo defining language as a community's generally-agreed-upon system of signs used in a generally-agreed-upon order. That, or your colossal illiteracy made it useful only for making paper hats and/or pterodactyls out of.

4) Why on earth would you value the opinion of what we'll just call "the poetically illiterate" over that of "the 'poetically educated'"? Do you imagine that these illiterates buy, publish, or commonly read poetry?

5) Well, mister, I happen to believe that everyone isn't equally qualified to speak as an authority on every subject, and that I shouldn't regard the views of someone less experienced than myself in some matter as equal to my own views on the matter. If you can't accept my point-of-view then it's you, sir, that's shallow, clothes-minded, and I daresay bigoted - not I.

6) "which you obviously lack" doesn't make any sense. If you say "I'm sorry you don't understand" again, you are a stellar example of the proposition "buttocum ergo sum."

7) How have you come to the astonishingly bright conclusion that "poemranker... is worthless for true criticism," (whatever that means, anyway)? Was it from the one poem other than your own that you've commented/voted on? Was it a result of all the failed attempts at real poetickal discourse on your fellow users' posts which have marked your stay on our site? No, I suspect it was because only two people bothered to comment in any way substantively on your poems, both of whom failed to blindly praise the dribblings of your genius and frankly understated the hideousness of the misshapen illogic that clings to them like dinner-crumbs in an elderly's unkempt beard.

8) Maybe this will drive home the fundamental difference between your conception of a "useful" poetry site and mine:

Total Votes: 2669
Total Comments: 1905
Has read ALL of SomeKindofPoet's posts.

Total Votes: 0
Total Comments: 12
Has read NONE of zodiac's.

9) Hey, godspeed! Why don't you give a shot? Or They LOVE people like you!

10) Thanks for playing.

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