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Reflections of the Living Dead (Other) by SomeKindofPoet

Two tired eyes that fail to sleep, Two crying eyes that fail to weep, Two bloodshot eyes that fail to see The worthless lies you sang to me. And here I’m mourned in sad lament For all the days ‘twere wasted spent On fools and jobs and worthless things Like pearl balls and diamond rings. To me is sung the funeral song For such a life which died so long ago. Perhaps one day you’ll learn and see That all you ever did to me Was lead me to a life I hate Where now I’ve died a reprobate, Loving that I’ve hated still While laid to rest upon the hill Where wasted lives are littered there Under headstones worn coarse and bare. Perhaps one day I’ll rise from death And breathe again that precious breath That fills these bags of flesh and blood With life and love and all that should Have been the thing to drive this brain Before it thought that it could change Into a beast to never die No matter how you’d ever try To hurt it, beat it, leave it dead By all the piercing things you said. But here I lay, the living dead, Blood pumping, still, into my head, Where thoughts and hopes and all my dreams Remain entrapped behind my seams.

zodiac 22-May-04/6:48 PM
re: "Both keep believing that this poem is about "religion" or a lost love, broken heart, etc. Can it be? Sure."

It's not stupid to believe this poem is about religion. Observe:
1) You were referred to this site by Decapolis

2) Decapolis is a website where "hip" young "New Age" Christians get together to dish about religious stuff in, at best, a barely concealed fashion.

3) Many Decapolis users have posted exactly identical poems to this on the same Decapolis discussion board where you learned about this page.

4) It isn't really necessary to have a 4. You should have gotten the point by now.

5) -=Dark_Angel=- wasn't saying this poem is about lost love; he was saying that your kind of Decapolis-referred hack new poemranker user always posts poems which are only about religion or lost love. If you haven't posted a lost love poem by now, you will soon.

What's more, "It can deal with many area's of life, but for two self-claimed geniuses to keep believing that it merely deals with two areas of life shows their incompetence for a wider range of thought" is crap for a dozen reasons. To wit,

1) We never said it merely deals with two areas of life; in fact, only I said it dealt with anything, which is religion.

2) I didn't even say this poem was only about religion.

3) I'll bet you a million bucks you can't say what this poem is about. PS-If you say it's about more than two things, you are a retard.

4) someone 'competent for a wider range of thought' wouldn't have made so many blunders already, such as the blunder of saying "incompetence for a wider range of thought."

5) Neither -=Dark_Angel=- nor I would ever be so stupid as to claim to be a genius. -=Dark_Angel=- has even taken the unprecedentedly honest step of posting his IQ on poemranker. Though I am the farthest thing from a "self-proclaimed genius," I am a society-proclaimed semi-expert in matters poetickal, having recently received a Master's in Poetry from an accredited Poetry School.

6) A poem about religion or God, or even solely about religion or God would not need to include the words "religion" or "God," you idiot. Cf. All the songs of Creed and Live.

7) Since I'm off the topic of the above-reprinted quote anyway, let me add a few things. None of the rest of your message after the "religion or god" part makes any sense. It's also presumptive to the max. To think any of the things you've suggested, I'd have to be a near-perfect retard.

8) If you've read Frankenstein, I'm my own left buttock.

9) I don't think you know what pretentious means. Allow me to propose this definition: Anything which impugns your, SomeKindofPoet's, poetickal superpowers.

10) Here's "a good, useful opinion" on your poetry:

11) Making up two more reasons why your comment is crap is not worth the effort I've already expended on it.

12) Thanks.

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