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can't take the heat? (Free verse) by peaceseeker
cleared my way out of an OUI
one wide open Friday night
my heart aching for another love lost
under the masks of love-less insanity
sirens blaring day and night
my lover took off his lover's masks
to reveal the unloving child he is.
so i unsacrificed my whole life
unfolded my angel wings and flew
danced nearly buck-naked on stage and
miraculously won the second place prize
my girlfriends and new false friends
and the pimp absorbed my nervousness
did not have one alcoholic beverage
in the face of 18 year-old
porn stars and beauty queens.
my white bows and over-groomed body
captured the eyes of the whole room
when i stepped out of my white skirt.
at the end, lined up in a row, me in front
and my Angel took flight, so free now.
my ex-lover, left to be with his dog-wife
perfect for the canine-human, he is.
so i need to take my herbals
juice my carrots and celery
pay the city for an over-due ticket
so i won't end up like the dog-man
with no identification.