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What's The Point? (Lyric) by Phalkon
(co-written by Blindpoetry)
you never notice the lines on someone's face
until you think about that person every day
days upon days...
weeks upon weeks...
months upon months...
for years...
but what's the point?
i knew it couldn't last this long
God, i wish i could see
her golden streaks once more
this day,
this month,
this year,
but what's the point?
what's the point?
i can't have her,
you can't have her
no one can!
like a goddess on a mountain top
beautiful to behold, but impossible to reach
so what's the point?
it's like you try and try, but get nothing done...
so what's the point?
...but she was so good to me...
she stopped the wounds from hurting me so much
every day...
every week...
every month....
for years...
but what's the point?