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One More Mile (Lyric) by marvelis
I know the golden road that I take.
I know it will try to make me break.
It is the same road taken by the greatest of civil histories
During their legendary journeys to immortal legacies.
Though most who are willing venture on this God-created road perish,
Who survives this devil-managed adventure, prizes he will cherish.
From Alexander the Great of Macedonia to Napoleon of France.
Gods who left Earth centuries ago but still receive praise.
In modern literature of them we still talk.
In their ageless footsteps I now do walk.
The pebbles that tried to hold them back,
Into my future they now attempt to hack.
Hoping each of my limbs they have torn,
Even desecrate the day that I was born.
Driving me into ancient ground
Where true strength is found.
Worthless pebbles they may be,
But mountains they appear to me.
Towering through the clouds.
My mind these demons do hound.
Everyday this road gets harder.
And everyday my heart grows colder.
Every legend has had his Achilles heel.
But the secret has been never to kneel.
The doubts in my mind,
Like no other they bind.
Each has had to look deep inside
Where true strength does reside.
This road beyond the horizon does extend.
Completing this journey I fully intend.
I am not even halfway through this sacred battle;
But in the end my demons to pieces I will rattle.
Still one more mile for me to travel.
One more part of myself to unravel.