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The Blood-Stained Body (Free verse) by Phalkon

something smells quite dead thoughts run through my head i see the blood-stained body the sheets are blood-stained red i try to leave the room most certain of my doom i see the blood-stained body ravaged, by the loom i peer into the sky i realize i am high i see the blood-stained body and i realize it is i

zodiac 13-May-04/8:59 AM
"Could it be, as Rush Limbaugh mentioned in passing on a recent broadcast, that the perpetrators of the alleged crime are homosexuals? If that's the case, maybe the motivation for their activities was far different than from what has been discussed in the media's wall to wall coverage of this incident. If these individuals are homosexuals, maybe they were getting stimulated by looking at naked Iraqis in sexually provocative positions.

Of course, as Limbaugh said because of the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy concerning homosexuality we'll probably never know the answer, but I think the scenario is still definitely worth considering.

After all, it would answer why the alleged activities took place and it would also provide a solution to the really bizarre question as to why pictures were taken of the humiliating and sexually suggestive poses.

Why, you ask? Many people believe that homosexuals have a much greater potential than heterosexuals to be sexual predators. In addition, a sizeable number of sexually dysfunctional individuals (aka sexual predators) take pictures of their illicit acts. It gives them an opportunity to glory in their "conquest" as they visually relive their sickening activities.

But here's an interesting scenario to ponder that Limbaugh also mentioned. If this was ever found out to be the case, what would those liberal defenders of homosexual marriage and "gay" rights do?

Would liberal Democrats have to adopt an different attitude to this situation and quit their incessant criticism of the Bush Administration and the liberation of Iraq? It's definitely something worth thinking about. After all, if the individuals involved in these alleged crimes were homosexual, or there was a homosexual element involved, who can blame them. They would just be acting out their natural biological inclinations, right? And (so the theory goes) who could fault them for that because their actions would have been a result of the way they were born, not in any way the volitional actions of a lifestyle choice."

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