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deviant conveniences (Free verse) by J.B. Manning

We had unprotected sex Knowing you’re infected Your cum-fungus blistered my flesh On contact Memories of you resonate in my mind Like water on windows Certainty fades like Daylight and looking back is easy…fore-site blinding Love is addictive and I’m broken I want to Tie your pubic hair in knots and hang you on your contemplation Every time You say goodbye.

Joe-joe 6-May-04/4:25 AM
"Source of the poets vision: Language, one can never hope to use language to (literally!) match the physical. One can make representations, study relationships" No. The poet uses language to portray images and ideas. Language is the means not the end. The sculpter uses rock and metal tools to create images. Do you suggest that rock and tools are the source of his/her vision? He/she starts with an idea or is sponaneously moved/inspired in a way that leads to a unique and persoanl form of expression. Where does the idea come from? What is the source of his/her inspiration?

I'm not really sure what you mean by "using language to match the physical" but it seems to me that if you reject all metaphysical explanations of the poets vision and inspiration, you must be able explain every aspect of them in physical terms. I assume this would be done much in the same way one would explain how a computer works.....use of binary code to generate letters and symbols...memory storage....working memory...pre-programmed sets of instructions , etc... But even this form of explanation runs you head first into an arguement for something beyond simple physical cause and effect becuase the computer does nothing without receiving stimuli from a source beyond its physical boundries, the human mind and body.

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