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20 most recent comments by SP REYNOLDS
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regarding some deleted poem... 25-Dec-02/1:10 AM
Brilliant - 0
regarding some deleted poem... 25-Dec-02/1:25 AM
Nice two shiny coins you've pulled out...thanks for the ring finger instead of the middle one...Merry hey day
regarding some deleted poem... 27-Dec-02/8:25 PM
pardon me if I don't respond with a lisp...Ha ha - you sooooooooo crazy.
regarding some deleted poem... 27-Dec-02/10:27 PM
My editor, oh yes, yes My publishing dreams have come true!
Re: The Coming Light by poetandknowit 27-Dec-02/10:50 PM
I feel battered and bruised. My left lip is swollen from your harness. Do you have a boner? "gunna" is the obvious mispelling of "going to..." which means whatever you yourself as a qualified reader understand it to mean. An inability to bend words is an inability for morphology. If you need to know what that word means, reply back, and I'll allow you to know.
Re: The Coming Light by poetandknowit 27-Dec-02/11:30 PM
Than please don't waste my time by commenting on something above you...Maybe take another class and let a professor tell you how to think.
Re: The Coming Light by poetandknowit 27-Dec-02/11:53 PM
First of all, have I sent you for a loop? Are you questioning if I am actually a different person than Horus8. I am. Is your mind not allowing you to sleep at night due to something so trivial (something besides your poetry that is)as that?
Do you have a poster of Robert Frost on your wall...Or is it Jose Cansaco?
Your identity crisis scares me...Your becoming psychotic, if so your amongst a history of poets. The only difference is, we can write and are also published. But that doesn't have poemranker.
Re: what is he doing?? by xanthippe 28-Dec-02/12:00 AM
I think so - 7
Re: The Coming Light by poetandknowit 28-Dec-02/12:05 AM
Are you on some kind of high because you are the #1 poet on poemranker and others are asking your advice...I pity them first of all...Secondly, when your writing is paying your bills, or when you are old enough to have them that is, I will talk to you again...Thank me for giving you the time of day...good evening:)
Re: The Coming Light by poetandknowit 28-Dec-02/1:02 AM
Rasputin. Rasputin. Rasputin...VS. Poisonandnosin
Re: The Coming Light by poetandknowit 28-Dec-02/1:06 AM
Oh my god - You've crossed serious lines. I hope you don't really know these people...You could be thrown in prison.
Re: The Coming Light by poetandknowit 28-Dec-02/1:14 AM
You mother fucker's - what? did you create this site and produce every member on it except for me and darkangel? He I'm sure is you as well...I was catching on yesterday, but thought I would bite some more kick...mother fuckers :)
regarding some deleted poem... 28-Dec-02/1:30 AM
How come you insist on tangoing (gunna go) alone?
regarding some deleted poem... 28-Dec-02/1:41 AM
regarding some deleted poem... 4-Jan-03/11:27 AM
I don't know, it sounds like your on your way down Valorie Solanas Avanue to me... but hey I agree, girls are cooler than guys...I'm a lesbian too:) I'm not a voter, but I will leave you with this.
Re: The spleenless poet by Bachus 4-Jan-03/8:17 PM
HA ha - you are my funniest friend.HM - poems that god said are good make the firmament softer...
Ornella, unfortunately - you are an idiot. That is the last compliment I will give you. Feel free to send what you need to send back to me to feel better. I can take it. I probably wont read it. Actually, I will print a copy of it and hang it on my bathroom wall. You must realize the world your in. In my highschool, the whole drama dept was running about squidaling the sqidalies. Do you think we have grown older or younger since then. Your not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy. Why not run on down to Leto's hous; maybe he'll let you hold his cum if you pay him enough to look in the same direction. If not I have a few pennies and I will also wish you luck in NC community theatre...or the church choir if the audition doesn't work out... licks - and good luck in your race for the Salibury Conservative pie bake. Say hi to tipper Gore for me. By the way, Navarro's not gay, he's a bisexual that perfers guys.
regarding some deleted poem... 4-Jan-03/8:41 PM
First of all tonya - Jeremy is my friend. We were in a band on a creative venture. He helped me out in hollywood when I needed some. If you get over worshipping your brother, so he'll send you money (so you don't ever have to go out, experience life, and become a real artist, you may have the opportunity to experience real friendship. that is something unlike going out and looking for a good looking guy that you can pretend your with at parties in hopes that someone will notice you. As for the comment you claim I gave you. It was probably so you would not mind if I spanked off on your face...I respect women, but not star fuckers...your virginity saved you. You better thank the gods when you prey tonight, because the emotional hardship Jeremy Gave you is nothing compared to the brain Fuck I would have screwed you with. Nuts and cheese:)
Re: Ad patres el prostitute by <{Baba^Yaga}> 24-Feb-03/8:26 PM
The first thing I've read fromn you in two months and I have to say it's some of the best I have ever read from you. 9+
Re: Smoking Clitoris with PHD handles by <{Baba^Yaga}> 10-Aug-03/5:33 PM
I like you and your poem too.
Re: Over beast by Crakyamuni 11-Aug-03/9:52 PM
This poem made me cum.

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