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Blinking (Free verse) by zodiac

Once as children, ranged on a rock above a twinkling unending sky-blue stretch of sunlit water, we smoked stolen cigarettes, made jokes about being scared of jumping - to talk ourselves into doing it, of course. You had to kind of blink, to let yourself forget; then you were falling, the shock of cold water catching you back. I could do it once, I know. And if I could forget myself like that again, if I just knew how we did it before, I could surprise you yet - could take your hand, laugh, leave this town - or lock my lips on yours, or pull my ready cock out into the world's unsuspecting view.

Stephen Robins 23-Apr-04/3:53 AM
How curious that you should feel that way. It reminds me of a boy called Leon Shaw with whom I attended school with. He made a habit of taking off his trousers during music instruction and then putting them back on inside out. He used to do this as many times as possible within the hour of recorder tutition and was never once caught. That led him to more extravagant gestures to try and impress the rest of class. Upon one occasion he pretended to have cramp and stood up quickly with his cock hanging out jumping around and uttering "ouch, I have cramp."

The teacher who was a firmly repressed gay went a fine shade of puce and pretended not to notice Shaw's prodigous member slapping against his stomach. That teacher is no longer a member of the teaching staff at my former school.

Leon has gone on to be a fine ambassador for the school and when not choking down another "bucket" is to be seen behind a bin lorry in the streets of Coalville. a town named after a large slag heap.

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