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Black Buns (Haiku) by Bachus

Basketball nigger I'm black and richa than you! Home of the whopper

Bachus 18-Aug-02/5:39 PM
You ever get the feeling that your playing chess with yourself D.A cuz your just so incredibly trained and intimidating that the competition cowers dirty kneed in your enormous pear assed shadow to whisper unearned praises into the ears of earless minions....yes here at poemranker there's a chain of command complete with stubby pencils and a locked chit box. No, of course you don't what would be the point in that. you who bravely bucks all trends and styles. The crusader of cutting edge state of the art thinking. The octapus of jesu'. After all it's not 'cool' unless it gets a check mark at your desk first. aye. You know, i have to say that i have never had more fun spreading the "good word", as i am here and now. Interacting with 'real artists who aren't afraid to quit there jobs and put it all on the line for the art of spoken word distribution. I have so much respect for writers and artists that spend their time between working for the man, and creating great works of genius, only to never do a thing withit, because we all know that it's so much more interesting to live ones life never taking any long term creative chances, such as moving to new york, or l.a, or paris and interacting with artists who actually make a 'living' doing what it is they love doing living inbetween their drive to change the way people think, and the fact that most people never have the guts to leave the stability of their parents house in say maybe bfe missouri to take a fucking chance at making a difference where it counts, with the people who control what other people become interested in. People don't go to see triple x, because it's a movie that will 'change their lives'. they go and see it because its the in thing, hip and full of rewarding visuals. why fucking even paint with canvassd anymore when there's photoshop, why move to paris to write along the same paths that rimbaud traversed when there's poemranker. Why read a fucking book or any of the classics when there's books on tape and video games to play. why watch a black and white movie with no sound. When there's million pixeled digitally enhanced thx surround sound themeless movie screens on every corner. Why sketch your lover when you could just take her picture. Why meet a friend for a walk when there's e-mail.. why go outside when there's everything you ever dreamed of inside, why even move a muscle when you can just hook up the ab shocker 10000 at twitch your muscles into shape. why socialize when you can internalize and get less friction and feedback, yes my friends we are most assuredly living the ultimate capitalistic dream of our forefathers. if you are listening generation 'Y'= why bother! stay in missoura, we're filled to capacity anyway with 'red herring' and lemmings join a militia in montana instead at least you can still fucking smoke in restaurants there. p.s evergreen, if your considering quitting your day job to take a chance in other creative circles. don't cuz within a months time you would be nevergreen again but i would also be forced to respect your attempt and desire to live the 'word' and not pretend that you serve the 'words' more genuinely and originally from the middle of your couch left handing a bag of fucking stale fritos. don't be afraid sweetheart every forest has to burn to the ground eventually in order to re-nourish the land in the hopes of a greener future.

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