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My Mom at her best! (Free verse) by Bachus

Editors note, appreciate your parents children. Otherwise, they will hang out at your poetry site, and prove to the world just how fucking sick some people can get. But don't worry, your mom will only do this to you if you've gotten her pregnant, and kicked her out of your washroom. Lesson to be learned here kids? Don't be a dirty motherfucker. And now for our feature presentation Hedwig will show us just why she's sane, and we're all crazy. "The same person who wrote last night the poem was good? You pathetic f-- k leave me alone go chase after cupids stupid. I do not give a frog,s ovum about your pityfull poor ass life.Did the paralitic kick in but the anesthesia FAIL?ONE MO TIME Y-O-U yessss You have been amputaded.! What' s the difference?   I dont take shit from maggot's sayd the silk worm on her way out of a rented washroom hell,that you call guest house.Youve gone far for a porn nova/aging 29 husstler. I was a "guest"ha what a parasitical phrase..hehhhh! you  felt superior because i'am 5'5 gorgeus and give 23 year olds a run for theyre money in every way at 136/ versus 200pounds you are the one with the cke,ice/h/and smoke dickshoon need but   you brought it to me anyhow. No quiero drogas,I don't want drug's & you need rehab pronto!!  Hannibal Iam not. you oedipus only in your wet dreams and my poetry do you get fd by me. I make love when I love I don't Fk for pay like you do.But remenber your sister 14 and you 21.I,as her mom   should of prosecuted.But I beleived you!pig.You punish yourself well, a drug prison, and collapsed your lung, do both next time.Only to keep it going on. Fung wa chi ni pei wong = do not bother me or my man,or scream at your 75 yr old G-ma again.Threaten to rip my head of like the other females around you punk..It all started admit it on denise dr as you told itso straight faced too, your unkie tied you up and put what in your mouth? sure he did,nothing you now say I beleive, nothing like you sayd 3 weeks ago Mom I'm the sick one [No really?]please forgive me come upstairs again I miss you, your G-son misses you...sure i been quickly replaced AGAIN by patty and tammy.I didnt say goodbye to him because at 10;30 at night   I wasnt going to wake him up like you 2 do with your every three day drama/ get out/ come back/ I hate you/ I love you/ you are my queen you are a cnt...see the pattern? of course not. You are the cnt, why don't YOU get out, once and for all get HELP.If not to another mental prison how many self indused brakedowns now 2 ? Why must you act like f--g SON of are the laziest being ive ever seen, you can't worck because fact military papers have you down as a 5150 too many drug experiments on that manic self.And too many arrests the goverment has all your info, you not only don't want to butcan't worck. Well bad porno maybe but a real actor sorry your time has passed your sorry ass.admit it. You didnt even want to graduate out of H.S. you resent anyone who has any degrees[ by the way I will NOT read any more of you'r   discustingly imaturepoem's or sadistic coments,nor your poor' me' shit anymore] you are jealus even of me and my poor poetry skills. I am a nurse yes a real one and proud of it, even if it mean's helping out unworthy wretches like you. I should of listened to sharon and vacumed you out I hated her for sayng that to me.But then again at least I graduated! now I see she didn't want me to go thru what she went thru with her boy's.At fifteen you left her sick and helpless, like you would me, m.o. Abandonment Mr.H. yes maggots do that then come back to eat the remain's.Why? you ask yourself that. You need to take your own inventory..I guess you know by now that you set me back a good eight years to the last time you did this, and how were you going to make it up?By the way today I sayd a silent prayer and thanked GOD he riped you away from my arms via Bill snr.I would not of wanted to live with someone like you the wicked games you play.Lani's kids do not hear "your uncle J is a maggot or worm" no not like you tell you kid. For them you are zip and will always be so dont tell me to tell shadow this and that you don't even know her. you were half, now you are no one. You Choose it now handle it. Persona non grata unless one day your God shows you the way to rehab,not because I don't need help but if as an "adult brother" you start to give your younger sibblings drugs,yes a joint is a drug that is abuse not love or protection wacko. you are a con a pshyco, and that's why if you ever come near any of us who are NOT your family.   Stranger,judas!!remenber 12/09/03 you told everyone who would listen you are "not my mother" You will get a well deserved surprice .For terroristic threatening,and soliciting drugs to a minor, Nooo not you! you are not to be trusted with anyone any sex any stated you made for a shit wife? what would you know? you thank all the GOD"S did not live with me you forgot?I do everything to almost perfection, and I'am 99% more of a woman a mother a   MIMI a friend than you can ever imagine.I owe your xsister a heart to heart apology on my knees. What's the difference? your wisdom/ and or malice between a 14 year old girl raised in hawaii and a 21 year old sick male raised in detroit. Do you not notice what you do to our lives when you come and destroy? is your motto rape and pillage ?You are unforgiven.Check mate, oh and for your "little secret" it's probably that you are HIV positive and want to infect the surprice to me.Knock your sorry ass out and splatter yourself on the road that you paved all by yourself.Don't bother whaaaa waaa cryng about what I ve done we spent ZIP time together. Dont contradict yourself 'kay? didnt you say Godsmother helped raise you what? you are a grown hairy man.You lived/and slept with her. what did she raise your dick with a tire jack?your taxes? you lived with her at 24yrs old help raise you? okidoki! now you can go and fuki fuki your real" mama box" maybe you are creating her with carcasses and things.My poems are my form of expression likeyou told ornella.m. do not be confused and think this is all about you! i wtite my sorry ass misspelled poems so that they can laugh, ponder, and wonder.I use your name cuz you give everyone shit and can't handle it.Now shoooo go of and scandalise about someone else being a mo/fo or homo or narco or a nimph or whatever your imaginary life consists, you, you. sayonaraP.S. no we do not want your blood transfussion, can you imagine?.You have no power over me whats so ever and can stick your book of shadows in one of youre lovers laaarge crack... pipe." Brilliant job of twisting everything around to better serve your version of the past, by the way! I wish I could highlight sections of this for my readers. Proving once, and for all, why I have to just shake my head about life sometimes. Have you ever stopped to consider that you are entirely 'out to lunch'? And the world will be a safer place when you've finally flown over the Cuckoo's nest, and gotten the psychiatric treatment you truly deserve. P.s. What do you owe her an apology for? Fucking me harder, faster, and prouder. Once again, let's get this straight, did I call up either of you looking to get fucked? No, you both went out of your way to fuck me, and for the record, several times. It's not healthy for a mother to want to sleep with her son Hedwig, and it's especially not cool to tell your son's half sister that she's not blood related to him, so that she would want to sleep with him too, (god knows that's all the two of you ever think about) now is it? It's not sane to tell a son that hasn't seen you his entire life that it's okay to fool around with his mother because it's 'true love'?. And to take advantage of a regressable young 5 year old's mind trapped in this man's twenty nine year old body. You are a treacherous liar, an absolute parasite, and overall, a danger to yourself, and your children, repeatedly, sadisticly, and for no other reason than being able to get away with it. But your time of doing that to me's over. I, of course, will be happy to miss out on it. Please stop embarassing yourself and me here? It's over, you obviously come onto poemranker just to attempt to get my goat, looking for attention, and whatever else it is you're after, but it's not poetry. Also, I can handle people giving me shit. I've been writing on this site for two years and have argued with the best. Poets far and away superior to you. What I can't handle is my mom moving in with me. Trying to break my family up and hurt my son and wife, by trying to get herself pregnant, and keep the baby! After telling me a story about how her friend fucked his mom, and said that it helped. Knowing full well I had an Oedipus Complex. That mother is where I draw the line, and why you aren't welcome in my life. Do you know how ridiculous you sound raving about how I slept with my sister (16) when I was 21, though the law could do nothing to me because she admitted seducing me, and propositioning me, that and you didn't want the police finding out our deep family 'secrets'. Both before, and after, you by your own doing slept with me? Once again, I repeat, you are mentally ill. And I'm not entirely blaming you, just like how you enjoyed taking advantage of the little boy in me's need to please you. I really don't want you in my life, so why do you keep on trying to undermine me? Because, you're fucking evil and demented that's why. That's why you'll lose your teeth before your nails. And if you think you can press charges against me for 'supposedly' giving a minor a joint. You're wrong, you have no evidence without the joint, or a blood test at the time, and 'then' he would still have to testify against me, and he wouldn't do that becuse he's not a back stabbing wack job like you, and because, he knows, he was smoking pot long before he ever met me. But if you think a joint makes me as much of a monster as you and your walking pharmacy of drugs, lies, and sneaky mannipulations so be it. Bring it on. Nothing would please me more than disclosing in a court of law just how incompitent of a parent you are on every level imaginable. Let me know I'll clear my schedule. And I'll have Michael Maiello tell the court that you asked him to help you get rid of kilos of cocaine and smuggle shit into the country. So make your threats, and we'll see who comes out smelling like roses, and who doesn't. It's also only more than ironic that you would quote Ornella Muti too, because (crazy slut), she tried doing the same shit on poemranker to me about a year ago. But everyone, could tell she was just out to hurt me, but what you're doing? Puts you right up there for the Mom of the year award, congradulations, I always knew you'd make it. Do us all a favour, next time you cut your wrists? Make it count, nobody likes someone who does everything half ass. By the way, Merry Christmas.

horus8 15-Dec-03/2:59 AM
Yeah, well me and James Spader beat our secretaries to love down the ailes with the digital version. Then we ate four peas a piece, and came together in Gibralter grey with citrus scented ferocity.

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