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What Do You Do? (Other) by tori

What do you do when someone you want, Is so close, but so far away, Would you do anything to hold him close, Or accept that he'll never be there to stay, Never be there to stay in your arms, Or tell you you're the only one, Just there for the day, with your emotions he'll play, And as soon as its old, be done, What if you knew there were others, you've seen them before, You see them everyday, But with a fake smile, deal with them for awhile, And pretend that with your emotions, he never played, Its so hard to pretend, when you're so much in love, But deep down, you know that its true, That all of its fake, its all just a game, And you know that he'll never love you, You're going to have to make up your mind, Will you be his toy or not, But you can't decide, Except on one thing, And that's that you want him a lot.

-=Dark_Angel=-, P.I. 7-Nov-03/6:50 AM
Oh look, what a fucking surprise. It's another piece of prose with no poetic characteristics whatsoever, but the author has inserted arbitary linebreaks all over the place and deluded themselves into thinking it's a beautiful freeform poem of self-expression.

You're shit.

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