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I am Jack's Black magic, dude. (Other) by Shardik

First off Steve, it's not about the couch or how many times I've smoked you out, or been nothing but cool to you and your friends. Letting you use my truck. My mother giving you a 150.00 healing massage. A 3,000.00 poster, that which by the way, would be in return for service rendered, not imagined. It's about the fact that the other night Marco, came over to my house woke my wife and son up and scared the shit out of them. Knowing I was not home, and coming over to do what then if my trucks not there? When I pulled up, he said, "that you wanted to talk to me?" At three in the morning? You weren't even there, or were you? Also; the things that he said to my mother? In her own words, are "inexcusable, and threateningly weird". Another point is this? What ever happened to the fucking phone? My house is not to be approached without a courtesy call period, ever, because I have a four year old son Steve, and a normal house. Not a den of thieves that disrespect women and sell drugs like your house. I warned you about both Thomas and Marco from the gate, so too fucking bad. Another point; you want a 3,000 poster and you can't even bring my son a flower on his birthday, or stop by? I brought Keith a gift, Thomas a gift(though he did treat me well for my b-day in return) but that's not the point, the point is I've gone out of my way a lot for you, and yours, and so far for me you've done what? Put my family and me in danger with the people you consort with and sold me an overpriced couch, thanks mate, you're fucking cool. But you can come by when you want to get high huh, or see if I got your 50 bucks? That day my mom gave you that healing massage and treated you like my friend (even offered your sick dad a massage) because I told her you were a great guy, and you are, but the people you rub up with are NOT STEVE, except for your old school friends whom I enjoy very much. You went home and said what to Thomas, to Marco, to Whoever? "Oh Jeremi's mom is hot let's get her over here, maybe she'll give all of us a massage!" Whatever dude, you know I hate Marco, and you never mentioned him being there? I even told you that day I never wanted to be over there when he's over there, you set me up. But yet you still invited my mother to your house putting both me and her in harms way, and now the guy is coming over to my house? He said, and I quote "Steve wants to talk to you?" Fuck you dude! Then he changed his story a minute later when I came running over to kick his ass, "Oh, I came over to say I was sorry"? Send him to your fucking mom's house MAN! NOT MINE! I would have never done that to you or your family, nor would any one I call my friend, acquaintance, ever. I don't care under what pretense he came over with man? Shit like that can wait for a decent hour, but in his case NEVER, I have heard first hand what and how he treats women and I will not put my family in danger, and why you did is why you're not welcome at my home currently, and why I'm so upset. You are my friend Steve, but my feelings have been hurt, and my house now feels unsafe to me, and that drives me fucking insanely mad. Another thing, I've come by your house everyday practically all summer smoking you down, you've come over a handful of times to return the favor, and you are going to come over today and bitch about 50 bucks? Dude I was giving you a 3,000$ poster, and you are talking about 50 bucks. I have fed you, treated you wonderfully in my home, and you come over like that? I would of called first. I would of apologized vehemently and told you "God, Steve keep the money, I don't know why my friend did this, but god bless it I'll handle it, I'll call the cops on him and get a restraining order if I have too. Steve, I would have came over and said anything but money and posters and shit, what are you thinking? If you see me that mad, call first, e mail me, because, I don't want to talk, I want ACTION. Dude, if he was chasing you with a hammer, why not call me? I already want to shred the fucker. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING? Anyway, I'm sorry for tripping this morning, but I feel violated. the only thing saving you in my book is that a. i like you, and know it's not totally your fault b. I feel sorry for the bullshit you must be going through over there c. We are both better than this, at least I thought so? It's just that me being a father and a son and a friend and a Leo, means I must protect at all costs, it's instinctual. Five years ago we wouldn't being having this conversation unless it was by collect call, or a psychic if you catch my meaning. Sorry, let me know when Thomas is gone and things are back to normal and you'll get your poster (for services rendered, being work on an album, and not anytime sooner) your fifty bucks, and we'll jam, but if not, if it's going to be like that at your place in the future still, with people like that milling about? No fucking way. I am not unctuous Steve, I am Jack's Black magic. As for the avocado face mask this morning? You should try it, instead of wearing a "hi, my friends are drug dealers and mother fuckers face mask" it's safer for all of us in the end. Sincerely, Still your friend, but still a bit pissed. Jeremi, P.s. Call me we'll talk. I'm sorry for yelling earlier, and not listening to you, that was rude of me?

SupremeDreamer 30-Sep-03/10:11 PM
wonderfull stuff- your life is interesting indeed.


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